Plant Guardians

Camellia japonica ‘Paolina Maggi’

Synonym: Camellia ‘Contessa Paolina Maggi’

An Italian-bred camellia introduced in the 1800s, has been a popular variety for many years. Formal double-white flowers with transparent, waxy petals and often pale pink candy stripes are perfectly imbricated, as described in the Mercatelli Catalogue of 1881. Occasionally, the flowers may appear entirely pink. Sometimes, it is also referred to as Camellia japonica 'Contessa Paolina Maggi'. Suitable for clay, loamy and sandy soil types. Flowers Feb-Apr, semi-shade/shaded location, winter hardy.

Threat Status: Threatened In Cultivation As assessed by the Plant Heritage Threatened Plants Programme. For more details see

Image by T Moore. Licensed under CC BY 4.0

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